There are mainly two types of cells on the basis of the presence or absence of nucleus i.e. prokaryotic and eukaryotic. There are mainly three ways in which the cells organize to make the bodies of living organisms. These include:-
1. Unicellular Organization.
2. Colonial organization.
3. Multicellular Organization.
Unicellular Organization:
This is the simplest type of organization in which one cell makes the life of an organism. The organisms formed through this organization are called unicellular. All the activities of life are performed by this only cell. The example included Amoeba, Euglena and Paramecium etc.
Colonial Organization:
The organisms formed through this organization are called colonial organisms. In this type of cellular organization, many unicellular organisms live together but do not show division of labour among them. Each unicellular organism of a colony lives its own life independently and is not dependent on any other cells for its vital requirements.
A green alga, Volvox found in water is an example of colonial organization. Hundreds to thousands of Volvox cells organize to make a colony. In some cases, Volvox colony also contains daughter colonies.
Multicellular Organization
In Multicellular organization, the cells are organized to form tissues, organs and organ system in an organism. Such organisms are called Multicellular organisms. Mustard plant and frog are the familiar examples of Multicellular organization.
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